martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012

WaheGuru VaheGuru Simran - GurMantar

Waheguru (Punjabi: ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ) is the primary Mantra; it means the "Wonderful Lord". The word Vaheguru is made up of two word Vaah(e) and Guru. Vaah or Vaahe is an ecstatic expression of awe and wonder. Therefore it is often translated as wondrous or wonderful. Guru derives from two words. Gu means darkness, and Ru (Roo) means light. Therefore Guru means that power, being, and presence, which dispels darkness and brings light, in other words Enlightener. Cumulatively, the name implies wonder at the Divine Light eliminating spiritual darkness. It might also imply -Hail the Lord whose Name eliminates spiritual darkness. Thus the two constituents of Vaheguru (Vaahe+Guroo) implies the state of wondrous ecstasy and offering homage to the Divine Creator Being.

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Five enemies of Humanity

Five Enemies Of Mankind/Humanity

One day, a Sikh named Kadhari, came to see the 2nd Guru Ji - Guru Angad Dev Ji. He had come in a “Vairaag”, bowed down before Guru Ji and asked the following question:

Q. The five enemies of mankind/humanity, namely lust, anger, greed, worldly attachment and the ego have surrounded the whole world. How can we save ourselves from their deadly clutches? If we can know them then some defense against them is possible, but most of the world is not even aware of their existence.

Guru Angad Dev ji gave a “Parman” or example. He told the Sikh that, when a jungle catches fire most of the animals are unable to run to safety and so they perish. But there is one animal, a deer or “Hiran” which can run so fast and so reaches safety when the jungle is on fire; it runs towards a river, submerges itself in the cold water and escapes being burnt. The fire cannot reach it and it gets peace there or “Sukh”. Mankind is also surrounded by the fire of “Kal” and he is unable to avoid this fire unlike the deer.

Mankind/humanity is in trouble; they have no peace of mind in whose house the five robbers of lust, anger, greed, worldly attachments and ego have entered. Can that house be saved? Surely not, because only a few, like the deer, are saved. The river of cold water is the Satsang. Guru Ji further explained that Satsang is where praise alone is showered in God’s Name. In such a “river of Satsang” the five evil forces of the mind are destroyed and the coldness against the world’s fire is provided by the Guru’s Shabad or light.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

Vegetable Pakora, Indian Vegetarian Cooking

Crispy Spinach Pakoras Recipe by Manjula Indian Vegetarian Gourmet

Vegetable Pakora by Manjula, Indian Vegetarian Cooking

martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

Satnam Waheguru

Enviado por MKaur Gaderia
(Muy importante, Shabad)

ੴ The Love and Light of Guru Ram Das

ੴ Guru Guru Waheguru
The Love and Light of Guru Ram Das
Dharti hai
Akash hai
Guru Ram Das hai
Guru Guru Guru Waheguru Guru Guru Ram Das Guru ♥
Guru Guru Guru Waheguru Guru Guru Ram Das Guru ♥
Guru Guru Guru Waheguru Guru Guru Ram Das Guru ♥

Lavaan de Guru Ram Das

Oh, Divino Uno dentro de todo
En esta primera vuelta de la ceremonia de matrimonio
Nos compremetemos totalmente
a vivir una vida
llena de deberes y obligagaciones mundanas.

Oh amado,
que has creado el balance y unión
del Sol y la Luna
La frecuencia Divina refeljada y capturada en las Escrituras
Comprométete al Dharma -
al Camino de vivir compasiva y verdaderamente.

Esto te permitirá
darle la espalda
a aquellos hábitos de la mente
que te traen dolor
a ti mismo y a otros.

Amado Mío,
que has creado el balance
entre El Sol,y la Luna
Comprométete totalmente
al Dharma-
El Camino del vivir compasiva y verdaderamente.
Medita en lo Divino
dentro de Todo.
Y la Identidad Divina dentro de ti mismo(a).
Los libros Sagrados dicen
a tu identidad Divina

El Sonido de la Sabiduría
Que te lleva hacia la Verdad
es la Guia perfecta y el Maestro.
Ten reverencia por este Sonido.
Respétalo y siempre medita en él.

Las memorias dolorosas
en tu mente subconciente
creada por los errores que has cometido,
y el daño que has causado,
serán destruidos.
Tu vida fluirá con facilidad
Y tu realidad interna
y realidad externa
se unirán en un éxtasis infinito.

Por una Gran Buena Fortuna,
La mente se ha apegado
a la dulzura de la Esencia Divina
El Sirviente Nanak dice,
en la primera Vuelta,
hemos comenzado a crear
Esta Vida de Trabajo Sagrado.(1)

Oh, Uno Divino dentro de Todo
En esta Segunda Vuelta de la ceremonia de Matrimonio
entremezclamos nuestro Ser
con el Sat Guru - El sonido de sabiduría
que nos lleva hacia la verdad
y reconocemos
este Sonido de sabiduría
como nuestro Perfecto protector.
Oh Mi Amado,
que has creado el balance y unión
entre el sol,y La Luna.

El miedo en nuestra mente
nos lleva hacia el Uno Sin miedo
destruyendo nuestro egocentrismo
que ha creado tanta suciedad dentro de nosotros.

Oh Amado
que has creado el balance y unión entre el Soly la Luna

Miedo incontaminado
( el Miedo del Ser Interno de no llegar a Su destino)

celebrando las cualidades
de la Esencia Divina dentro de Todo.
la Esencia Divina
dentro de Todo.
Y esto sucede
al estar en la Presencia
del Poder que balancea y une
el Sol y la Luna.

La Amante
y Su amado.
La identidad Divina
dentro de mi
ve ese Poder
en Todo mi alrededor.

El Maestro de la Creación
reside completa y totalmente
dentro de mi.

Adentro y afuera.
Nosotros entremezclamos nuestro Ser
con ese Unico e Infinito Dios
Como sirvientes de lo Divino,
cantamos con total Felicidad.

El Sirviente Naanak,
al caminar la segunda Ronda
resuena el sonido No tocado que corta el ego. (2)

En la tercera Vuelta de Ceremonia Matrimonial
la Mente trasciende sus apegos
y se llena con Luz Y Amor
Oh Amado,
que has creado el balance y unión
del Sol y la Luna.
Los santos sirvientes
entremezclan su Ser con Lo Divino
Y por una Tremenda Gran fortuna
vienen a recibir
la Esncia Divina dentro de sí mismos.

OH Amado,
que has creado el balance y unión
entre el Sol y la Luna.
A través de la experiencia
de la Esencia Divina
encontramos Nuestra propia pureza.
Cantando las virtudes y cualidades de lo Divino
Nuestras propias bocas hablan en la frecuencia Divina.

Por una Tremenda Gran Fortuna,
los santos sirvientes
reciben la experiencia
y ellos hablan acerca de esta historia infinita e indescriptible.

Dentro de sus corazones
Lo Divino late continuamente
La melodía del Infinito
crece dentro de nosotros
al repetir meditativamente Har
La Esencia de lo Divino en el interior.
¡ Qué increible destino
está grabado en nuestras frentes,
Oh mi amado!
El Sirviente nanak
declara que en esta Tercera Rueda
la Experiencia de la Esencia Divina
hecha raíces dentro de nosotros,
Oh Mi Amado,
Y la Mente se libera.(3)

Oh Uno Divino dentro de Todo
En la Cuarta Ceremonia
de la ceremonia de Matrimonio
a través de la experiencia de la Esencia Divina
dentro de nosotros mismos
La Mente
se ha entregado al Flujo Universal
y vive en paz.

Oh Amado,
que has creado el balance y Unión
entre el Sol y la Luna.
Aquel que fluye con la Integridad
de las palabras del Maestro
entremezcla su Ser
facilmente con esa Esencia Divina.
Al fijar la atención en lo Divino
la mente y el cuerpo se ha hecho dulces

Oh Amado,
que has creado el balance y Unión
del Sol y la Luna.
Fijando su atención
en la Esencia Divina
dentro de la Creación
la dulzura viene.
MI señor y Maestro
está contento.

Día y Noche
yo vivo totalmente sintonizado
con la Esencia Divina
a través del Amor.
Los pensamientos de la mente
han dado el fruto-
Los Pensamientos de la Mente
han dado el fruto-
El Maestro de la Creación
Lo Divino hace
que Su Identidad en Mi interior
toque la música del Infinito
más y más fuerte.

La Divina Esencia presente en Todo,
El Señor Trascendente
la Conciencia de Coordinación,
Ellos son el Uno
haciendo todo el Trabajo.

La Riqueza
de la absoluta felicidad
viene a mi Corazón
a través del Divino Espiritu
dentro de Mi.
Naanak declara en la Cuarta Ronda
Al recibir la experiencia
de la Esencia Divina
Encontramos la Union con nuestro e Inmortal Señor.(4)

Guru Ram Das

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Frases -Yogui Bhajan-

We must learn to meditate on our breathing.
The breathing is God in us.
The breath is life in us.
The breathing is us.
-Yogui Bhajan-

by Shunia Yoga

Baba Nand Singh Ji

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

52 Hukams (orders) by Guru Gobind Singh J

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

52 Hukams (orders) by Guru Gobind Singh Ji have been reproduced with translations.

1) Dharam di Kirat karni - Earn by honest means.

2) Daswand dena - Give one tenth of your salary.

3) Gurbani kantth karni - Memorize Gurbani.

4) Amrit Vaelae utthna - Wake up Amrit Vela (before dawn).

5) Sikh sewak di sewa ruchi naal karni - Serve a Sikh Servant with devotion.

6) Gurbani dae arth Sikh vidhvana tuo parrhnae - Learn the meanings of Gurbani from Sikh Scholars.

7) Punj Kakaar di Rehat drirh kar rukhni - Follow the discipline of the 5 K's strictly.

8) Shabad da abhihas karna - Practice Shabad Gurbani in life.

9) Sat-Saroop Satgur da dhian dharna - Concentrate on the True Guru (God).

10) Guru Granth Sahib Ji noo Guru mananaa - Accept Guru Granth Sahib Ji as Guru.

11) Kaarjaan dae arambh vich ardaas karni - At the beginning of a task, perform ardaas

12) Jaman, maran, ja viah mokae Jup da paatth kar tihaaval (Karaah Parsaad) kar anand sahib dia punj paurian, ardaas, pratham punj pyaariaan atae hazoori granthi noo vartaa kae oprunth sangat noo vartaaouna - At birth, death, or marriage ceremonies, do Japji Sahib, make Karaah Parshaad, do five stanzas of anand sahib, do ardaas, and then distribute Karaah Parshaad to the Panj Pyare, the Granthi, and then to the sangat.

13) Jab tak Karaah Parshaad vartadaa rahae sadh sangat addol batthee rahae - Until Karaah Parshaad is completely distributed, the Sangat should remain sitting and unmoving.

14) Anand Viah bina grahist nahi karna - Do not start married life without Anand Karaj (Sikh ceremony of marriage).

15) Par-Istri, Ma-Bhain, Dhi-Bhain, kar jaanani. Par Istri da sang nahi karna - Recognize all other women other than your wife as mothers and sisters. Do not engage in marital behaviour with them.

16) Istri da mooh nahi fitkaarnaa - Do not silence your wife?

17) Jagat-jootth tambaaku bikhiaa da tiaag karna - Abandon worldly falsehoods and tobacco-poison.

18) Rehatvaan atae naam jupan vaalae gursikhaa di sangat karni - Keep the company of Sikhs who follow the Rehat and meditate on the Name (of God).

19) Kum karan vich daridar nahi karna - Don't be lazy while doing work.

20) Gurbani di katha tae keertan roaz sunanaa atae karna - Listen and do kirtan and Gurbani discourses daily.

21) Kisae di ninda, chugali, atae eirkha nahi karni - Do not engage in slander, gossip or spite anyone

22) Dhan, jawaani, tae kul-jaat da abhiman nahi karnaa (Nanak daadak tahe duae goath. Saak guru sikhan sang hoath) - Do not take pride in wealth, youth and caste. (Mother and Father's caste both castes. All Sikhs of the Guru are siblings)?

23) Mat uchi tae suchi rakhni - Keep the religious discipline high and pure.

24) Shubh karman tao kadae naa ttarnaa - Do not refrain from doing Righteous deeds.

25) Budh bal da daataa vaheguroo noo jaananaa - Recognize God as the giver of intellect and strength.

26) Sugandh (kasam sahu) dae kar itbaar janaaoun vaalae tae yakeen nahi karna -
Do not believe a person who swears (one who tries/attempts to convince someone with a 'saun or saugandh').

27) Sutantar Vicharna. Raaj Kaaj dian kamaan tae doosrae mutaa dia purshaan noo huk nahi daenaa - Rule Independently. In the affaris of government, do not give people of other religions authority/power.

28) Raajniti parhni - Study politics.

29) Dushman naal saam, daam, bhaed, aadiak, upaa vartnae - With the enemy, practice/deploy the various techniques/tactics of diplomacy (saam, daam, dand, bhed).

30) Shaster vidyaa atae ghorhae di savaari da abhiaas karna - Practice the knowledge of weaponry and horse riding.

31) Doosrae mataa dae pustak, vidyaa parhni. Pur bhrosaa drirh Gurbani, Akal Purakh tae karnaa - Study the books and knowledge of other faiths. But keep trust in Gurbani and Akal Purukh.

32) Gurupdaesaa noo dhaaran karna - Follow the teachings of the Guru.

33) Raheraas da paath kar kharae ho kae ardaas karni - After Rehras Paatth, do Ardaas standing up.

34) Saun valae sohila atae 'paun guru pani pita...' salok parhna - Recite Sohila and 'paun guru pani pita...' stanza before going to sleep.

35) Dastaar bina nahi rehnaa - Wear a turban at all times.

36) Singha da adha naam nahi bulauna - Do not call a Singh by half of their name (nickname).

37) Sharaab nai saevani - Do not partake of alcoholic drinks.

38) Sir munae noo kanaiaa nahi daeni. Uos ghar daevni jithae Akal Purukh di sikhi ha, jo karzaai naa hovae, bhalae subhaa da hovae, bibaeki atae gyanvaan hovae - Do not given a daughter's hand to a clean shaven. Give her hand in a house where God's Sikhi exists, where the household is not in debt, is of a good nature, is disciplined and knowledgeable.

39) Subh kaaraj Gurbani anusaar karnae - Do all work in accordance with Gurbani.

40) Chugali kar kisae da kam nahi vigaarnaa - Do not ruin someone's work by gossip.

41) Kaurha bachan nahi kahinaa - Do not utter bitter statements.

42) Darshan yaatraa gurdwaaraa di hi karni - Make pilgrimages to Gurudwaras only.

43) Bachan karkae paalnaa - Fulfill all promises that are made

44) Pardaesi, lorvaan, dukhi, apung manukh di yataahshkat sewa karni - Do as much sewa as you can for foreigners, the needy and the troubled.

45) Putari da dhan bikh jananaa - Recognize the property of a daughter as poison?

46) Dikhaawae da Sikh nahi bananaa - Do not become an outward show-off Sikh.

47) Sikhi kesaa-suaasa sang nibhaaouni - Live and die a Keshadhaari Sikh

48) Chori, yaari, tthugi, dhokaa, dagaa bahi karnaa - Refrain from engaging in theft, adultery / promiscuity / permissiveness , fraud, deceit, embezzlement.

49) Sikh da itbaar karna - Believe a Sikh.

50) Jhutthi gavaahi nahi daeni - Do not give false testimony.

51) Dhroh nahi karnaa - Do not cheat.

52) Langar-Parshaad ik ras vartaaunaa - Distribute Langar and Karaah Parshaad with equality.

Source: Hukamnama Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

[Re-prodroduced from an old article in the Sikh Virsa Magazine]

Which Tongue Are You?

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Khalsa Meri Jaan Ki Jaan - Bhai Joginder Singh Riar


by MKaur

Valentines Day, in Sikh Dharma

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Today is Valentines Day which for many is a time when people show their partner how much they love them and everything, and will show it with a card, flowers, chocolates, emails, texts, etc, etc. All restaurants will be booked for those romantince candle-lit "table for two" situations in the evenings, many will be going out with their partner to the cinema to watch a romantic film and whatever else these 'weirdos' want do to show their partner how much they love them. For some people they will also show their parents, relatives, close friends, etc. of how much they love them and care for them by giving them a card and gift today as well.

I don't know the history of Valentines Day and how or 'why' it ever came about, but it has been commercialised into a day where you have to show your loved one how much you love them and show them that you love them, on this particular day than any other day.

Now for Sikhs, Valentines Day means nothing just as Christmas, Easter, St. Particks Day has no signifance for Sikhs. However, the message of Valentines Day is about Love and that has a very high significance to Sikhs! Now for those of you who may not have known, February 10th was marked as the Shaheedee Purb of Dhan Dhan Baba Deep Singh Jee Shaheed. His Shaheedee gives Sikhs the message of Love that we need to aspire to. Many of you may be familiar with this Gurbani tuk from Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee Maharaaj:

||ਜਉ ਤਉ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਖੇਲਣ ਕਾ ਚਾਉ ਸਿਰੁ ਧਰਿ ਤਲੀ ਗਲੀ ਮੇਰੀ ਆਉ (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee: Ang: 1412)
|| jou taou praem khaelan kaa chaao || sir dhhar talee galee mairee aao ||
If you desire to play this game of love with Me, then step onto My Path with your head in hand.

In this Tuk, Guru Sahib is telling us what the cost is of Love, which is to be able to give your head for that Love. Now the Shaheedee of Baba Deep Singh Jee is the shining and living example of the words of this tuk. There is no other record in history of a man so aged as babaDeep Singh ji and leading few sikhs against mighty army of Ahmed shah Abdali to avenge the desecration of Harmandir sahib . What was the force behind this man, which enabled him to be able to achieve this act. Simple... it was Love! Love for Guru Sahib, Love for Akal Purakh, Love for Matyrdom (Shaheedee), Love for his Bachan, Love for the Sanctity of Harmandir Sahib!

The essence of the tuk and to what it is saying is simply: If you want to show your Love for Me (Vaheguru) then come onto My Path and be ready to lay down your head for Me! Again, the living and shining examples of the meaning of this tuk are etched everywhere in our history. Countless unnamed Sikhs of our history have had to lay down their heads to be able to stay on this Path, and have done so without Hesitation. This shows how True there Love really is for Guru Sahib.

One of the greatest examples is that of Vaisakhi 1699 when Guru Gobind Singh Jee made the call for the head of a Sikh without any question. Again, those that had the above tuk from Guru Nanak Dev Jee etched into their hearts and souls stood up and without hesitation and surrendered their heads to Guru Sahib, only to be brought back to life to become the Five Beloved Ones (Panj Pyaarey) of Guru Gobind Singh Jee. Further examples of this Untold Love was shown and illustrated by those Sikhs that were hunted, beheaded and had their heads stuck on poles to be paraded around by the Mughuls in front of Auranzeb. For some it is a gruesome and hideous sight to see the heads of these beautiful Sikhs being put on poles.

The painting does not saddens me. This painting now shows to me the True Love these Sikhs had for Guru Sahib. These Sikhs weren't sad or hurt at having to be beheaded, they were glad to give their heads, this is what they had done anyway when they took Amrit, and now they had the chance to finally physically give their heads for Guru Sahib. It is an expression of Love from a Sikh to His Guru.

This painting, and all those many other paintings of Sikh men, women and children laying down their lives for Guru Sahib, should be seen as expressions of Love, not of anguish, pain and suffering. If you were to see the faces of these Shaheeds you will see none of them in pain, crying or moaning, they faces are glowing just as one does when the bride, having being separated for so long, finally meets and joins their Beloved Husband.

These are the Soul Brides who have now courted marriage with their Beloved Husband Lord (Vaheguru) and have merged into one with Him.
This is what the cost of True Love is. There is no other greater cost than to surrender your head and your life. This is the cost of walking on this Path. This is the cost of walking towards Guru Sahib. This is the cost of walking on the Path of Truth and Righteousness. This is the cost of playing the Game of Love. This is the cost of True Love. Can there be any other greater Love to pay this cost for?

In this world there are many kinds of Love: temporary Love, selfish Love, conditional Love, unrequitable Love, obsessive Love, passive Love, aggressive Love, etc. etc. But what is this Love that these Shaheeds expressed? What is this Love that costs you your head? Simple...

Unconditional Love! But not a Love that the western world would like us to perceive and believe. It is a Love that goes beyond all human imagination, beyond the Cosmos, beyond the Nether worlds. An Unspeakable and Undescribable Love that no poet or romance novelist could write about. A Love that not even Shakesphere could ever write or describe in the ('never could ever understand it') language of his! A Universal Love, which isn't Love for oneself, for your partner, family, friends, humanity, but a Love for ALL! For every single living existing thing imaginable! Wherever His Creation resides, Love for that Creation abides, for each Creation is all but just a little part of the Creator (Karta Purakh)! A Love that overflows the capacity of our human body and flows like rivers of nectar through the nine gates of the body until it then flows through the Tenth gate, by which Union with our Husband Lord is inevitable! This Love can only be found and taught by Guru Sahib through His Bani!
There is no other scripture in the Universe, which talks about Love at such a level beyond the Cosmos. Guru Granth Sahib Jee is the Ultimate Love Story. An Infinite Dialogue between a Soul Bride and her longing and yearnings to meet her Beloved Husband Lord and attain Union with Him.

If you were to go on to (Gurbani Search Engine) and do a search for the word "Love", you will be amazed and shocked to see the countless and innumerable Gurbani tuks (lines) relating to the word 'Love' from our Beloved Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.

Let us commemorate this Valentines Day by showing our Love for Guru Sahib. Let us contemplate the sacrifices of Shaheeds like Baba Deep Singh Jee and try to imagine what Love they must have had for Guru Sahib. How ready would we be to lay down our heads in order to express our Undying and Unconditional Love for Guru Sahib?

When we 'metha taek' (bow down ) to Guru Sahib, are we mentally and spiritually as well as physically laying our heads down at the Lotus Charan (feet)of Guru Granth Sahib Jee? Do we truly surrender our heads to Guru Sahib when we 'metha taek'? Are we really ready to play this Game of Love, which has the cost of surrendering our heads? Is our Love for Guru Sahib True or not? If we were to give our heads to Guru Sahib, what to you think he would do for us? What would he give us in return for our heads?
What would he give us in return for our Love? Simple.... Infinite
Blessings..., which is all a Sikh, asks for?

Today is a day when people all over the world will be thinking of ways of expressing their love for their loved ones. Let this be a day when Sikhs can contemplate on their Love for Guru Sahib. Let the memories and pictures of the Shaheeds of our past be shining examples of the Expressions of Love of a Sikh for His Guru! The painting with the Sikhs heads being carried on poles shouldn't be looked at with saddened faces. Think of the poles with the heads of Sikhs on top as a bunch of colourful flowers being offered to their Husband Lord. Flowers for Guru Jee coloured with the colour of Naam. A sight, which is all too pleasing to Guru Sahib. A sight which would've brought a tear to Guru Sahib for the Undescribable sacrifice these Sikhs made to express their True Love for Guru Sahib. Let the Shaheedee of Baba Deep Singh Jee be recalled upon as the living example of that famous Gurbani tuk by Guru Nanak Dev Jee. Let us Love our Beloved Guru and Lord the same way as these countless, innumerable and unnamed Sikhs did in the past. Only through Gurbani and the Teachings of Guru Sahib Himself will we learn this ourselves. Only by following Guru Sahib can we learn about and be able to express the Love that is Infinite, Unlimited, Undescribable, Unspeakable, Untold of and Unconditional.

Let Valentines Day and every other day be days of constant expressions of this Love. Let the world be shocked to see just how much a Sikh Loves His Guru....

Satnam Sri Waheguru Jio

By Harinder Singh

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

The hymn of Sri Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj

The Remembrance of God

The hymn of Sri Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj that everything makes reverence to the Almighty. He says: I bow to the Master Anami (absolute), I bow to the infinite Master of the Shabda and I bow to the perfect Master living.

I bow to the Adi Guru (Anami Purush, Swami).
I bow to the Guru Yugad (Sat Purush).
I bow to the Satguru (Shabda Guru).
I bow to the Gurudev (the living Master).

The Sukhmani of Guru Arjan


La Remembranza de Dios

Me inclino ante el Adí Guru (Anami, Purush, Swami).
Me inclino ante el Yugad Guru (Sat Purush).
Me inclino ante el Satguru (Shabda Guru).
Me inclino ante el Gurudev (el Maestro viviente).

En este himno Sri Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj primero que todo, hace reverencia ante el Todopoderoso. El dice: "Me inclino ante el Maestro Anami (Absoluto), me inclino ante el Maestro infinito del Shabda y me inclino ante el Perfecto Maestro Viviente".

Satnam Sri Waheguru Ji