miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru

Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru

This is composed by Bhatt Sathaa and Balvand ji in Raag Raamkalee and is on Page 968 in Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

dhann dhann raamadhaas gur jin siriaa thinai savaariaa |
Blessed, blessed is Guru Raam Daas; He who created You, has also exalted You.

pooree hoee karaamaath aap sirajanehaarai dhaariaa |
Perfect is Your miracle; the Creator Lord Himself has installed You on the throne.

sikhee athai sangathee paarabreham kar namasakaariaa |
The Sikhs and all the Congregation recognize You as the Supreme Lord God, and bow down to You.

attal athaahu athol thoo thaeraa anth n paaraavaariaa |
You are unchanging, unfathomable and immeasurable; You have no end or limitation.

jinaee thoon saeviaa bhaao kar sae thudh paar outhaariaa |
Those who serve You with love - You carry them across.

lab lobh kaam krodh mohu maar katae thudh saparavaariaa |
Greed, envy, sexual desire, anger and emotional attachment - You have beaten them and driven them out.

dhann s thaeraa thaan hai sach thaeraa paisakaariaa |
Blessed is Your place, and True is Your magnificent glory.

naanak thoo lehanaa thoohai gur amar thoo veechaariaa |
You are Nanak, You are Angad, and You are Amar Daas; so do I recognize You.

gur ddithaa thaa man saadhaariaa |7|
When I saw the Guru, then my mind was comforted and consoled. ||7||

This Shabd extends to the realm of miracles. The impossible becomes possible. When life seems to be stagnant, praises the domain of Guru Ram Das, the realm of true reality. It is the realm of the heart, mind neutral, where all things become pure.

Satnam Waheguru
<3 Miharbani Guru Ram Das Ji


Alabanza a Ram Das el Gurú, al uno que te creó, que te estableció.

¡Tú eres tal milagro! El creador te ha instalado en el trono.

Tus Sikhs y todas las personas conscientes se postran ante ti

Porque tú manifiestas a Dios.

Tú eres inmutable, insondable, inconmensurable.

Tu límite no puedes ser percibido. Aquellos que te sirvan con amor son llevados a través del mar de la existencia.

Los cinco obstáculos (avaricia, apego, lujuria, enojo, ego)

No pueden existir donde tú estás.

El reino que tú riges es el lugar verdadero. Verdadera es tu gloria.

Tú eres Naanak, Angaad Y Amar Das el Gurú.

¡Oh, cuando yo te reconocí, mi alma se consoló!

Este Shabd se extiende al reino de los milagros. Lo imposible se vuelve posible. Cuando la vida parece que está estancada, alaba el dominio de Guru Ram Das, el reino de la verdadera Realidad. Es el reino del corazón, de la mente neutral, donde todas las cosas se vuelven puras.

Satnam Waheguru
Gracias Guru Ram Das

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